Latest news and information about CABN

Latest news and information about CABN
Is there a place for a CABN on your property?
CABN’s one to four-bedroom prefab models can be constructed in a fraction of the time of stick frame homes, which translates into much less disruption for neighbours and a faster move in date. And while the company’s “model of modularity” isn’t in itself unique, the fact they’re highly energy efficient – built to net zero standards sets them apart.
RELEASE: CABN, Sustainable Housing Company, Opens Up Investor Raise
CABN’s patent-pending technology offers a groundbreaking solution to the housing crisis. To further this mission, CABN has launched a $3 million investor raise, inviting Canadians to help shape a more sustainable future.
Delivered to Your Door: Affordable and Sustainable Homes
And the attainability piece is more than just for show; Wyatt is putting the buyer’s money where his mouth is. He refers to the solar panels, energy recovery ventilators, and heat pumps they use in their builds as the “Lamborghinis” of tech. So how do you make that affordable for your average customer?
Charting The Emergence Of The Agrihood
"[They] allowed nature to dictate the design process and pinpoint where homes and amenities would be placed. Old growth forests and wetlands remain untouched and homes are built solely on land already impacted by agriculture."
Would you live in this net-positive, flat-pack home?
[CABN] makes dwellings from sustainable materials, with the lowest possible energy consumption per square metre, which can be shipped efficiently and erected quickly.
This new neighborhood will be net-zero, off the grid, and leaves room for the forest to grow
In a new neighborhood that will be surrounded by forests in rural Canada, you’ll be able to live fully off the grid—and potentially avoid much driving, despite the remote location.
"CABN belongs to a small but highly visible sub-set of prefab makers shooting for the moon with a non-standard design."
The founder and CEO of CABN, Jackson Wyatt, believes that these self-sustaining cabins can thrive in remote areas due to their independence from city-based infrastructure."
CABN launches manufactured homes to assist with the housing crisis
Canadian housing technology company CABN unveiled its 752 sq ft showhome, one of four models that can be assembled in days, a product that reportedly uses 20% the energy of a traditional home.
Canadian homebuilder unveils net zero, energy efficient home near Brockville, Ont.
The company announced that they are in talks with Augusta Township to build an off-grid, net zero community featuring 67 of these types of homes.
RELEASE: CABN launches rapid and sustainable technology to tackle housing and climate crises
CABN launches rapid and sustainable technology to tackle housing and climate crises
The Green House: How CABN plans to build the real estate market’s most-affordable net-zero homes
From the outside, the homes resemble elevated cottages—cabins, really—but behind their modest façades are layers of sustainable tech.