At CABN, we take a lot of inspiration from the study of biomimicry, blurring the line between nature and one's living space. As we finalize our first showhome, we are taking cues from nature to create a garden ecosystem that is self-sustaining and in harmony with the environment.

In this blog post, we're sharing some of the sustainable gardening practices we've been incorporating that follow a biomimicry approach.

Plant Native Species

One of the most important principles of biomimicry gardening is to plant native species. These are plants that have evolved to thrive in the local ecosystem, and as such, they require less water, fertilizer, and pest control than non-native species. In addition, native plants provide food and habitat for local wildlife, which helps to create a balanced ecosystem.

Use Companion Planting

Companion planting is another sustainable gardening practice that follows a biomimicry approach. This involves planting different species of plants together in a way that benefits both plants. For example, some plants are known to repel pests, while others attract beneficial insects. By planting these species together, you can create a natural pest control system that doesn't require harmful chemicals.

Create Diversity

In nature, diversity is key to a healthy ecosystem. The same is true for a biomimicry garden. By planting a variety of different species, you can create a garden that is more resilient to pests, diseases, and environmental stress. In addition, diverse plantings can help to attract a wider range of pollinators and other beneficial insects.

Use Organic Fertilizers

Chemical fertilizers are harmful to the environment and can have long-term negative effects on soil health. Instead, consider using organic fertilizers, such as compost, worm castings, or other natural amendments. These fertilizers not only provide the necessary nutrients for plants, but they also improve soil health and promote biodiversity.

Mimic Natural Ecosystems

Finally, one of the most important principles of biomimicry gardening is to mimic natural ecosystems. This involves creating a garden that functions like a natural ecosystem, with a balance of plants, animals, and microorganisms. By doing so, you can create a self-sustaining garden that requires minimal maintenance and is in harmony with the environment.

In conclusion, sustainable gardening practices that follow a biomimicry approach are essential for creating a healthy and resilient garden ecosystem. By planting native species, using companion planting, creating diversity, using organic fertilizers, and mimicking natural ecosystems, you can create a garden that is not only beautiful but also sustainable and in harmony with the environment.